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Savoury Snack Mix - P̣ao de Queijo


 YesYouCan Savoury Snack Mix makes P̣ao de Queijo, Brazil's famous gluten free cheese bread snacks. It is crunchy on the outside and cheesy and gooey on the inside. It is easy to prepare and great for parties, snacks or school lunchboxes. 


Tapioca starch, modified tapioca starch(1442), whey powder (from milk), natural cheese flavour, salt.


Directions/ How to bake:

  • YesYouCan Savoury Snack Mix

  • 200ml lukewarm water

  • 60ml vegetable oil

  • 2 eggs or YesYouCan Vegan Egg Replacer

  • 130g grated cheese


  1. Preheat oven to 160°C (fan forced) or 180°C (conventional)

  2. Pour YesYouCan Savoury Snack Mix into a mixing bowl and add water, vegetable oil, and eggs.

  3. Using an electric mixer (use bread hook for better results), mix on slow speed for 1 minute or until well combined.

  4. Add cheese and mix on low speed for 30 seconds

  5. Oil hands to avoid dough sticking, mould the dough into small balls or sticks (or other shapes).

  6. Place onto an oven tray lined with baking paper

  7. Bake for 20-25 minutes or until golden brown

Endorsed by Coeliac Australia

Australia has one of the highest standards in the world when it comes to gluten free: There should be NO DETECTABLE GLUTEN in 5 parts per millionfor products to be labelled GLUTEN FREE while the USA and other places, the legislation allows for as much as 5 times more gluten detected. Australia has the strictest legislation in regard to ‘gluten free’ claims, with no detectable gluten being the only acceptable result.

YesYouCan Gluten Free Products follows strict quality assurance guidelines and is also endorsed by Coeliac Australia as well as HACCP approved.

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