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The new Choc Fudge Brownie gluten, dairy free, and low FODMAP.

Love for Savoury Snack

We love hearing from customers about how they adore our products. It's heartwarming to know that many of them feel they finally found the perfect mix for them through us.

Customer Debbie recently shared a video with us saying she absolutely loves our the Savoury Snack mix! She even added feta and herbs to the mix.

We love to hear it Debbie! Thank you for sharing with us.

Absolutely love this product. I ordered 6 pmts of savory muffin online as I couldn’t track it down in the supermarkets. My daughters gf and had a pot when I went and stayed. Added on feta and herbs and Yumo.

Posted by Debbie Bailey on Saturday, 11 July 2020


Here is a photo of the Savoury Snacks Debbie made. Looks delicious!

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